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Aarush Kalia

Aarush Kalia, Founder Aarush is the founder and Executive Director of a-2nd-chance. For his efforts, Aarush has received the International Daily Point of Light Award and the John Locke Institute’s Very High Commendation Award for his research on applying complexity theory to understand the collapse of civilizations. Looking ahead, he aims to bridge the gap between the sciences and humanities, pushing the boundaries of what we know about complex systems in both science and history.

Nirali Iyengar

Nirali Iyengar A sophomore at Farmington High School, Nirali aims to make a difference by using the power of reading to interest and educate young minds. She is the CT and MA lead for the Books for Juveniles project.

Ansh Modani

Ansh Modani A freshman in the Science and Engineering program at Manalapan High School in New Jersey, is deeply motivated by his impactful volunteer experiences in India. Ansh leads the 'Books for Juveniles' project across Washington DC, NJ and PA.


Nivaen Giritharan Nivaen, a senior at a public high school in CT, is passionate about creating positive change through leadership and service. With a strong interest in finance, he developed a stock pitch that earned him recognition as a national finalist. Nivaen also serves as a liaison for, working with local businesses and fundraising over $1,000 to support the nonprofit's mission.

Arjun Wadhwa

Arjun Wadhwa A junior at James B. Conant High School, Arjun has always had a passion towards helping others inside and outside of his community. He intends to apply his love for learning and use it as a tool to nurture the minds of other young individuals. Arjun is the IL lead for the Books for Juveniles project.

© 2023 Subsidiary of Businesses and Students in Collaboration Inc. 501(c)3 certified EIN: 85-1545923

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